Sending Product Feedback to Autodesk

Autodesk Support

Jul 8, 2024

Products and versions covered

Autodesk Assistant

For technical issues, try the Autodesk Assistant. The Autodesk Assistant is an AI-guided, natural language search tool that can help you find the resources you need.

If you are unable to find the answer you are looking for, you may contact support for further assistance to report a product issue.

Autodesk Assistant

Autodesk Community

If you have questions or need help, visit the product forums where you can search topics, find solutions, or post your own topic.

To suggest a product feature or improvement, you can visit the product idea boards, where you can upvote existing ideas, view idea statuses, or create new ideas.

Autodesk Community also holds regular webinars and meetups where product teams have shared best practices, tips, roadmaps, and upcoming releases.

Autodesk Community

Autodesk Feedback Community

The Autodesk Feedback Community provides opportunities to engage with Autodesk directly to provide feedback on our software, services, and offerings. Formerly focused on being a beta portal, the Autodesk Feedback Community has expanded to offer additional opportunities to work closely with our designers, user researchers, and other product team members throughout the development lifecycle — including technology previews that are very early in the development process. 

Please view our Community Overview page for more information on The Autodesk Feedback Community.

Feedback Community.png


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